Lndustry News
What are the high-end equipment manufacturing industries
Issuing time:2020-08-31     Number of times read:     Font:【Big in small

The development model of high-end equipment manufacturing industry is divided into the following three types:

1. "Demand-innovation driven" model. It refers to a model of product manufacturing based on market demand, based on independent innovation, and relying on its advanced technological level. Most of the first-class countries in the world represented by the United States use this model.   2. "Rapid introduction-complete absorption-expansion and innovation" model. It refers to an industrial development model that quickly introduces the world's advanced technology into the country, enables the technology to be digested, absorbed and used, and on this basis, expands and innovates the introduced technology. The more developed countries represented by Japan have adopted this model.   3. "Introduction-backward-re-introduction" model. It refers to the production of products by introducing foreign advanced technology or imitating foreign products. When the technology cannot meet the market demand, other advanced technologies will be introduced again to maintain the industrial development in such a cycle. These countries have low scientific and technological originality capabilities, and they mainly regard the introduction of technology, digestion and absorption as the main source of technological support, without considering independent research and development and innovation. Developing countries generally follow this development model, and China is also the most typical country of this model.

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